Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States with almost 42% of adult Americans considered obese. Another 30%+ are overweight however, a recent survey revealed that many individuals do not think of themselves as overweight, and only 10% of the obese population recognized that they fall into this category.
Obesity is the cause of a wide range of serious diseases and complications so it is concerning that the majority of the population does not even understand that they are at risk.
You may be wondering how these people could be obese and not even realize it. It is possible that they are not super obese and may believe they are just a bit overweight. Maybe they have never tried the simple “overweight or underweight quiz” that would tell them if their current weight for their height is within a healthy range.
If you have not ever used a BMI calculator to do a quick “Am I obese or overweight test”, then you may be at elevated risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, and more. If you are like many people, you suspect that you may fall into one of these categories but have been hesitant to know the truth.
Today we are going to tell you about ways to determine if you may be suffering from obesity. Here at Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center, we care about your health and we are here to help you understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.
Even though it may be uncomfortable to ask yourself some tough questions, and you may get answers that you do not necessarily like, it is an important step in the right direction for your health and wellness future.
Today we are going to talk about ways to determine if you are at a healthy weight and if not, what can be done to remedy the situation.
Am I Overweight Or Obese and What Is The Difference?
Individuals with body fat percentages that are considered over what is normal for their frame and gender may be classified as overweight.
If a person has excessive fat accumulated on their body and it starts to negatively impact their health they may be considered obese. Obesity is associated with numerous health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, joint and back pain, etc.
Obesity is broken down into different classes of severity by the amount of excess weight an individual is carrying. Class III obesity (formerly known as morbid obesity) is defined as an individual having 100 or more pounds of excess weight or the occurrence of a serious health condition. The 2nd most prevalent cause of preventable premature death is obesity.
Ask Yourself These Five Questions To Find Out If You May Be Suffering From Obesity
1. What is the size of your waist?
A healthy waist circumference for a woman is less than 35” and less than 40” for a man. If your waist is outside of this range, it may be caused by excess visceral fat that has accumulated around your midsection and could be a sign of obesity.
Visceral fat is often referred to as “bad fat” because it can increase your risk for type II diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and many other serious illnesses.
Checking the diameter of your waist may help determine if you are carrying excess visceral fat. However, this does not always signal obesity but it may be a sign of ill health.
The correct way to take your waist measurement is to locate the midpoint between the bottom of the ribs and the upper portion of your hips. Wrap the tape measure around that portion (normally at or just above navel height) ensuring the tape measure is snug but not overly tight. Take a natural breath in and out and record the measurement.
2. Do you snore when you snooze?
A common indication of being overweight or obese is snoring while you sleep. Often neck fat partially blocks an individual's airway and causes them to snore. Accumulated belly fat can also bring about snoring because it displaces the diaphragm from its natural location, restricting the rib cage and reducing lung capacity. The lower lung capacity causes the restriction of airflow and promotes snoring.
3. Are you bothered by chronic heartburn?
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is another common symptom of obesity but can also occur in overweight individuals. Heartburn happens when stomach acid travels upward and enters through the special flap that is meant to separate the stomach from the esophagus. It usually occurs soon after eating and can last a few moments or hours. Individuals may also experience a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, a burning sensation, or coughing.
The symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease are thought to be made worse by the pressure exerted by excess belly fat, the development of a hiatal hernia that changes the acid flow direction, or hormone level changes. Fat produces excess estrogen and those suffering from obesity often also experience hormone imbalances.
Women are at a higher risk for GERD than men and it appears to be more prevalent in the caucasian population than in other ethnicities.
Ongoing heartburn caused by acid reflux into the esophagus may result in complications and become cancerous. Esophageal disorders such as GERD, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma are some of the serious conditions that are associated with obesity.
4. Do you constantly feel fatigued?
A link exists between obesity and chronic fatigue according to research conducted by the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. This research indicated that the main links between the two are metabolic and psychological factors but secondary causes were disruptions during sleep caused by obesity-related conditions.
Many obese individuals suffer from a condition called sleep apnea which occurs when breathing is disrupted and causes them to awaken abruptly.
Fatigue can also be a result of Insulin resistance which is a common condition that affects individuals who are obese. According to the CDC, approximately 43% of individuals who suffer from depression are also obese. Depression is also linked to chronic fatigue so it makes sense that an obese individual would suffer from daytime sleepiness and would constantly feel tired.
5. Do experience frequent back, knee, or joint pain?
Obesity can have a tremendous impact on the condition of your joints and eventually affect your mobility. Carrying an excessive amount of extra weight can put pressure and stress on your joints that they were never intended to withstand. This continuous pressure can cause the joints to break down, create inflammation and swelling, and prompt the onset of arthritis.
An Explanation Of BMI And Why It Matters?
Many doctors and healthcare professionals utilize the BMI scale as a quick benchmark to place an individual into a category that indicates if they meet or exceed a weight that is considered healthy for their build and gender.
BMI, which is short for body mass index, is a universally recognized scale that is used to quickly determine and describe an individual’s height-to-weight ratio. This scale (known at the time as the Quetelet Index) was invented in the mid-1800s by a mathematician who was seeking a fast and inexpensive way to categorize individuals by weight. The BMI scale is not a 100% reliable indication of a person's body fat ratio however, it can be a quick indicator of the state of their health.
You can quickly check your own BMI ith a fast “Am I obese or overweight?" test by filling in the required information in the BMI Calculator.
Check your results using the BMI scale below.
<table class="iksweb"><caption>Standard BMI Scale</caption><tbody><tr><th>Range For BMI</th><th>BMI Category</th></tr><tr><td>Less than 18.5</td><td>Underweight</td></tr><tr><td>18.5 to 24.9</td><td>Healthy/Normal</td></tr><tr><td>25 to 29.9</td><td>Overweight</td></tr><tr><td>30 to 34.9</td><td>Class I obesity (formerly obese)</td></tr><tr><td>35 to 39.9</td><td>Class II obesity (formerly severe obesity)</td></tr><tr><td>40 to 49.9</td><td>Class III obesity (formerly morbid obesity</td></tr></tbody></table>
Keep in mind that the BMI scale was first developed and then chosen as a baseline “sorting” model by individuals who were not doctors or in the medical profession. The BMI Scale does not consider race, age, gender, genetics, lifestyle, % of body fat, or other more important elements that would disclose a more accurate picture of your health such as cholesterol or blood sugar levels.
The BMI Scale also can not differentiate between muscle mass and fat. According to the BMI scale, most NFL football players would be categorized as obese however, we all know this would be false.
While the BMI scale is not flawless, it is important because everyone from medical professionals to health insurance companies refers to it as a first-line health assessment and uses it as a basis for determining patient plans of care, insurance premiums, and more.
It is still used today because there is no other way to categorize individuals into weight classes that are as fast, easy, and inexpensive to use.
What Is The Best Way To Determine My Excess Weight?
Excess weight is the amount of weight you are currently carrying that exceeds a normal healthy weight for your height, frame, and gender.
Consulting with a doctor trained in obesity treatment is the best way to determine the excess weight you need to address. At Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center, we can help determine your amount of excess weight and create an individualized plan to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
The BMI results you receive will give you an overall idea of your current weight category but depending on the outcome, you may need an expert in bariatrics and obesity to help you address any issues.
Learning that you are overweight or obese through asking yourself these questions and checking your BMI may initially be upsetting, but we have answers and options to help you lose weight and become healthier.
At Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Centers we understand the challenge of a weight loss journey and understand that making the necessary changes in your lifestyle may be difficult. We offer numerous non-surgical weight loss procedures and medications that can make a significant impact on your weight loss progress. We are here for you every step of the way and you do not have to navigate through weight loss by yourself. We will provide support and guidance to assist you in reaching your health and wellness goals.
Contact us today to set up an appointment to learn more about your options for weight loss.