Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty versus Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Those who are considering weight loss surgery have options. Until recently, the most commonly recommended procedure was the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) which is commonly known as gastric sleeve surgery.

A newer approach has become popular, and it’s called endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG). Both are classified as minimally-invasive and offer a number of benefits but are also very different. Both procedures reduce the stomach size but when comparing endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty vs gastric sleeve (LSG) it is important to note that ESG is a non-surgical procedure and LSG is surgical.

During a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), a portion of the patient's stomach is cut away and permanently removed but during the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) procedure, the stomach is re-shaped to reduce its size and sutured in place. There are no incisions made during ESG.

Understanding the differences between the two procedures will help you become a more informed patient. This will aid you in knowing what questions to ask during a consultation and to decide which procedure may be best for your situation and needs.


Endoscopy vs Laparoscopy

Endoscopy and laparoscopy are two types of minimally invasive medical procedures that are used for the purpose of diagnosing and treating various conditions within the human body. These methods vary in technique and the specific body areas they focus on. Endoscopy involves the insertion of an endoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a light and camera positioned at its tip) through a natural opening on the body, such as the throat, rather than through an incision. Endoscopy is often used for the purpose of evaluating and managing various conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

Laparoscopy requires a tiny incision close to the navel as an access point for a laparoscope (a long, thin tool with a camera) to be placed into the abdominal cavity. This technique also requires creating other small incisions in the abdominal area that are used to allow other small surgical tools to gain access to the procedure site. Additionally, when comparing endoscopy vs laparoscopy, there is no scarring associated with endoscopy, and laparoscopy provides the benefit of minimal scarring, but both techniques offer the advantages of faster recovery times and significantly less post-operative pain in comparison to conventional open surgery.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

When comparing (ESG) or Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty vs gastric sleeve, ESG is the less invasive of the two options because there are no incisions and little to no discomfort after the procedure.

During the ESG procedure, the physician places an endoscope (a special tube-like instrument that is outfitted with a camera) into the patient’s throat and lowers it down through the gastrointestinal tract in order to be able to view the area.

Then, a special suturing device is inserted in the same manner and is used to strategically place stitches to adhere the front wall of the stomach to the posterior wall. This reduces the stomach’s capacity causing the patient to consume less while helping them feel full longer.

General anesthesia is used throughout the procedure, and patients can expect to return home that same day. There is very little downtime and most individuals can return to their normal activities and work in just a few days.


Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

When looking at endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty versus laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, it is important to understand that LSG is considered surgery while ESG requires no incisions. During the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy procedure, small incisions are made that allow the surgeon access to stitch the stomach to a smaller size. The surgeon cuts and removes about 70% of the patient’s stomach significantly reducing its size.

General anesthesia is used during this surgery. LSG is less invasive than open surgery, but it does involve incisions and permanent alterations to the stomach. The recovery time is significantly longer for LSG than for ESG and normally takes 4-6 weeks. Patients have to take more time off from work and are restricted in their activities until the surgeon clears them.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty vs Gastric Sleeve Which Is Best?

If you are considering having a weight loss procedure to help you lose weight and keep it off you may be wondering which procedure would be best for you. Deciding between endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty vs gastric sleeve surgery may be a bit daunting at first but when you understand the details about each procedure, the associated downtime, and expected results it should become much easier.

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is non-surgical and has been proven safe and effective yielding significant weight loss in clinical trials. Patients can return to their normal activities and work schedules much sooner than after LSG surgery.

Knowing and understanding the difference between endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty vs laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy will help you when talking to the doctor at Batash Medical in Rego Park. Please feel free to contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about ESG and how it can benefit you! We look forward to hearing from you!



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