Losing weight can be one of the most challenging things a person can navigate, but significant weight loss is a huge accomplishment that can impact their quality of life. As amazing as all of the benefits of losing weight are, sometimes it comes with unexpected side effects, and one of the most frustrating is hair loss.
If you have lost a substantial amount of weight and have noticed more strands in your brush or in the shower drain, you are not alone. Many people experience hair loss after bariatric surgery because most tend to lose weight very rapidly.
The good news is that hair loss from weight loss is usually temporary, but it can cause anxiety and concern. Today we are going to help you understand why it happens and what you can do to mitigate loss and get your hair to grow strong and healthy again.
Why Does Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery Happen?
Hair loss after weight loss is most commonly attributed to a condition called telogen effluvium, which causes temporary hair shedding after your body experiences a major stress, like bariatric surgery, sickness, emotional trauma, or a rapid change in your diet or weight.
Your hair normally grows in a rotating cycle that includes three phases, including:
- Anagen phase is the growth phase where hair is actively growing, and it can last anywhere between two and eight years.
- Catagen phase is a transition phase where hair stops growing and the hair follicle rests for about two weeks.
- Telogen phase is a phase where new hairs begin to grow, causing older hairs to fall out and cause shedding. This phase can last for up to three months, with shedding up to 100 hairs per day considered normal.
Why Hair Loss And Weight Loss Are Related
When your body goes through some type of noticeable stress, such as rapid weight loss, it can push more hairs into the telogen phase prematurely, leading to hair loss from weight loss.
This can happen several months after the weight loss begins and may last for up to six months before hair begins to regrow. It is most common after bariatric surgery, but it can occur in rare cases after an endoscopic weight loss procedure.
Top-4 Reasons of Hair Loss After Weight Loss
The main reasons people shed excessive amounts of hair include:
- When they lose weight very quickly because it shocks the body and diverts energy and nutrients away from less important functions of the body like hair growth.
- Hair loss after bariatric surgery may also be related to nutritional deficiencies because it is harder to absorb certain vitamins and minerals due to the changes made to the digestive system. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals needed to grow strong, healthy hair include protein, Iron, Zinc, and Biotin.
- When you lose a significant amount of weight, it can affect your hormone levels and the rate of your metabolism, which can affect your hair growth cycle.
- Your body is designed to prioritize vital functions like producing energy or ramping up your immune system, and it puts tasks like growing hair on hold until it has more available resources.
What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?
There are several vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can lead to excess shedding or hair loss, including iron, biotin (vitamin B7), zinc, vitamin D, protein, etc.
How Can You Prevent or Reduce Weight Loss Hair Loss?
Some hair shedding after weight loss is normal, but if you want to know how to stop hair loss due to weight loss, there are some things you can do to minimize hair loss and encourage new growth.
- Choose a weight loss method that helps you lose weight more slowly but steadily. Experts agree that losing weight at a rate of about 1 to 3 pounds per week is a healthy rate of weight loss and may prevent excess hair loss.
- Eat a diet that is rich in nutrients, concentrating on protein and iron. Your hair is made of keratin, which is a type of protein, so it is important to get enough lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and dairy. Iron is important for producing hemoglobin in your red blood cells to carry oxygen to your hair follicles, which they need for regrowth. You can find foods like spinach, red meat, lentils, and some cereals.
- Zinc and biotin can help strengthen hair and improve the rate of its growth. Nuts, seeds, eggs, and whole grains are great sources.
- Healthy fats that contain Omega-3s help provide the scalp and hair with vital nourishment and can be found in salmon, avocados, walnuts, etc.
- It is sometimes hard to get enough of the vitamins and nutrients you need so it is a good idea to take supplements like a multivitamin, biotin, or collagen. You can talk with your doctor about having your levels tested to see if you are deficient in iron, zinc, vitamin D, etc., so you can choose the best supplements.
- Try to avoid hairstyles that are tight, using excessive heat when styling, and harsh chemicals because they can weaken and damage already fragile hair. Using a mild shampoo and conditioner designed for thinning hair can be helpful.
- Find ways to reduce and manage your stress levels because excess stress causes an increase in the hormone cortisol, which can contribute to hair loss.
- Give it some time and try to remember that this hair loss is most likely temporary and your body will eventually adjust to your weight loss and your hair cycle will stabilize. Most people should notice an improvement in their hair shedding within a year.
Hair loss after weight loss or undergoing bariatric surgery can be scary and frustrating, but it is a fairly normal occurrence and is something that many people experience. Knowing what to expect, planning ahead and being proactive with your diet and hair care routine and using supplements can help stop the shedding sooner and get your hair growth cycle back on track.
How Can I Stop Hair Falling Out From Malnutrition?
If hair loss is due to malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies, you should work with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and make a plan to restore proper nutrition as part of your lifestyle using a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and using supplementation.
Is There A Way To Avoid Hair Loss With Weight Loss?
Losing weight at a slower rate can often help prevent hair loss or nutritional deficiencies. Normally, losing weight through an endoscopic procedure like Suture Sculpt endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) does not cause excessive hair shedding because the procedure is not done using traumatic surgery and provides gradual weight loss, which allows your body time to adjust.
If you have been wanting to lose weight for a long time but were never able to accomplish significant results on your own, the professionals at Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center can help. Dr. Steven Batash is an expert in medical weight loss and offers numerous non-surgical options to help you reach your goals.
He and his team can create a safe and effective plan that will help you overcome past challenges and reach your weight loss goals. An endoscopic weight loss procedure, weight loss medication, lifestyle changes, and nutritional guidance can result in slow and steady weight loss to improve your health and quality of life.