Losing Weight For Fertility

Many people struggling with infertility may not realize how much they weigh can impact their reproductive health. Being overweight or obese can cause hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can make conception more difficult. For some, losing weight can significantly improve fertility and increase the chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy.

Today we are going to talk about weight and fertility and share a special story about one of our patients and how losing weight before pregnancy with Suture Sculpt ESG changed everything for her.


Can Obesity Cause Infertility?


Pregnant After Endoscopic Sleeve (Suture Sculpt) - Why Does It Help

♬ original sound - Dr Steven Batash

Yes, weight and fertility are related, and excess weight can affect your reproductive health in many ways. Some of the most common issues include:

Hormonal Imbalances

Fat cells produce estrogen, and having too much estrogen can interfere with the way your reproductive system functions and make it harder for you to conceive.

Irregular Ovulation

Many women with obesity experience irregular menstrual and ovulation cycles, and some even stop ovulating completely, which significantly lowers their chance of becoming pregnant.

Increased Risk For PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the leading causes of infertility, and it is strongly linked to excess weight and insulin resistance.

Higher Risk of Pregnancy Complications

If you are able to conceive, obesity can increase the chances of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and more, as well as an increased risk for complications during labor.

Losing even a small amount of weight (5-10% of body weight) can restore ovulation, balance out menstrual cycles, and improve fertility for many women.

Meet Andie: She Took Control of Her Health and It Led To Motherhood

Andie struggled with her weight for years and had tried everything she could think of to lose weight: going to the gym, eating healthy, drinking protein shakes, and even taking supplements. Nothing seemed to work for her, and she always found herself back at square one, frustrated and exhausted. Then, one day, she made up her mind to get serious and decided she was tired of only talking about her goals without acting on them and became determined to seek medical help.

Finding The Right Solution Is The First Step

Andie was determined to find something that worked, so she started researching different weight loss options. She looked into gastric sleeve surgery and weight loss balloon procedures, and then a friend introduced her to Dr. Batash, and she truly felt like she had found the right path.

She said that meeting with Dr. Batash was a turning point, and she could tell he was not just an ordinary doctor but that he really cared. From the moment they began to discuss her health, she felt like he had her best interests at heart, almost like a father who wanted the best for his daughter. Together, they decided that the Suture Sculpt endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) was the best option for her.

Dr. Batash’s Suture Sculpt ESG Changed Everything

Undergoing the Suture Sculpt procedure was life-changing for Andie, and she found her results to be incredible. She started losing weight and felt like she was in control of her health for the first time in a long time.

Her starting weight was 296 pounds, and she lost an incredible 87 pounds, bringing her weight down to 209 pounds. She felt amazing, and her energy levels skyrocketed, and it boosted her confidence so she finally was feeling like herself again.

Losing Weight Offered Her A Miracle She Never Expected

One of the most unexpected but incredible results of her weight loss was something she had been hoping for over a decade: she finally became pregnant.

She had been trying to have a baby for over 10 years but was never able to conceive, and her OB/GYN had cautioned her that her weight was causing health issues like pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and other health issues that were greatly reducing the chances that she would ever be able to conceive naturally.

Nine months after her Suture Sculpt ESG procedure, she discovered she was pregnant and firmly believes that the procedure was instrumental in helping her conceive.


Why Does Weight Loss Improve Fertility

Many studies have demonstrated that weight loss can dramatically improve fertility by:

  1. Regulates Ovulation: Losing weight helps to balance your hormone levels and regulate your menstrual cycles, increasing your odds of successfully conceiving. 
  2. Lowers Insulin Resistance: Excess weight is linked to insulin resistance and can cause issues like PCOS and impact fertility. Losing weight improves insulin sensitivity and helps to regulate the ovulation cycle and make it more predictable.
  3. Reduces Inflammation: One side effect of obesity is chronic inflammation, which can affect the quality of your egg and its implantation. Losing weight helps reduce inflammation and improves the odds of a viable pregnancy. 
  4. Increases IVF Success Rates: Women with a healthy BMI who are undergoing fertility treatments like IVF (in vitro fertilization) have higher conception success rates.

You Can Have Suture Sculpt ESG Again

Andie was blessed with twins, but carrying multiples and being hospitalized for much of her pregnancy, she naturally gained weight again. She felt so good after her first Suture Sculpt procedure that she made the decision to undergo it again a second time to reclaim that feeling and get back on track. Just four weeks after her second Suture Sculpt procedure, she had already lost 15 pounds.

Suture Sculpt ESG Changed More Than Andie’s Weight

Losing weight was not only about looking better for Andie; her weight loss journey changed everything. She became a mother, her marriage improved, her confidence skyrocketed, and her energy levels were higher than ever. She felt like a whole new person, and when she walked into a room, she knew she looked as great as she felt. Andie shared in her testimony about her Suture Sculpt weight loss journey.

“This was the best decision I ever made. It changed my life, my health, my confidence, and everything. If I had to rate it, it would be a 10 out of 10, no question.”

Her story is proof that amazing changes are possible when you find the right solution and have the support of an incredible doctor and their team. It is also a reminder that losing weight is about more than just numbers on a scale and that it can change your life. Dr. Batash and his expert team of professionals provided Andie with the safe and effective Suture Sculpt ESG procedure and the highest level of support to help her reach her weight loss goals to improve her health and improve her quality of life. 

Losing Weight Changed Andie’s Life and It Can Change Yours Too

At Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center, our patients become family, and we feel blessed to celebrate every milestone, every improvement to their health, and every victory, big and small. We have been privileged to witness countless weight loss transformations, and we are pleased to tell you about one of our patients who had an extra-special weight loss experience.

If you have been struggling with infertility and weight-related health issues, now is a good time to consider options that could help you regain control of your health and fertility. Set up your consultation today to learn about how Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center can help you take charge of your health and improve your quality of life. 



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