How To Succeed With The Suture Sculpt Endosleeve Procedure

When an individual makes the decision to lose weight, regardless of the technique they choose to use, their daily choices are a significant portion of the equation that determines their level of success.

Research shows that over half of the individuals who undergo bariatric surgery to help them lose weight end up gaining back anywhere from 30% to 100% of the weight they previously lost. It has been determined that a large portion of these individuals reverted back to their previous unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles.

A newer procedure that can help patients lose weight without surgery has been receiving a significant amount of media attention because of its recent approval by the FDA. Suture Sculpt Endosleeve is a safe and effective alternative to bariatric surgery.

Today, we would like to tell you a bit more about the success of the Suture Sculpt procedure and how those who choose to use it appropriately can get maximum benefits.


Why Should I Seek Help With Weight Loss?

At any given time, there are at least 100 different types of diets, programs, plans, supplements, or questionable techniques floating around that claim to help you lose weight. In fact, if you are like many of the individuals we hear from, you may have tried many of them.

Most of the patients we talk with tell us that while they may have lost a little weight trying some of these methods, they were never able to lose a substantial amount or keep it off.

Can you think back to when you tried one of these methods? What were the major issues you encountered that contributed to your lack of weight-loss success?

Some of the most frequent reasons that weight loss methods like these fail are:

  • The diet they are using is not healthy or sustainable;
  • The method chosen was not effective;
  • It is hard to be hungry all the time;
  • Lack of an adequate support system;
  • Little knowledge exists of the science behind the connection between the stomach and the brain;
  • Underlying factors that are unique to the patient and inhibit their weight loss efforts;
  • The patient mindset is set for temporary behavior modification vs. ongoing lifestyle changes;
  • The patient becomes discouraged, gives up, and reverts to previous unhealthy habits.

When you try to lose weight on your own, you have limited resources. The disease of obesity is multifaceted, and it affects everyone differently. What works for you and your unique genetics for weight loss may be ineffective when applied to another individual. You are also limited to only what you know, but working with an expert who has spent years helping people just like you gives you access to a vast knowledge base.

Finding the right doctor to oversee your weight loss journey will be the key to your success. An expert like Dr. Steven Batash, with Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center, has over 30 years of experience and is among the 1% of doctors in the United States that have been trained in obesity medicine.

Dr. Batash and his team of experts use a comprehensive, individualized plan of care that will address the issues listed above that hinder most people's ability to lose weight. Working with the Batash team will give you access to tools and lifestyle coaching that will make the dream of sustainable weight loss a reality.

One of the tools that Dr. Batash has been instrumental in pioneering and that has helped countless numbers of weight loss patients is a non-surgical procedure called Suture Sculpt.


Why Should I Choose The Suture Sculpt Procedure?

Losing weight is no easy task, so having a weight loss tool to help make your journey a bit easier is a great benefit. Two things that hinder the weight loss efforts of most people are the constant hunger pangs they experience and the fact that they do not understand or practice proper portion control. Numerous individuals have realized weight loss success after the Suture Sculpt procedure because this one short procedure addresses both of these issues.

Because Suture Sculpt is performed as an outpatient procedure, patients can go home the same day to begin their quick recovery. There are no activity restrictions, so patients can go about their daily routine or other activities as soon as they want. It takes most patients only a few days to feel like themselves again. There are no scars and no visible signs that you even had the procedure done.

During the procedure, Dr. Batash will use an endoscope, which is a special device that allows access to your stomach without making any incisions in your abdomen. The flexible, hollow endoscope is carefully sent down your throat until it reaches the inside of your stomach. Dr. Batash can see everything he is doing thanks to the tiny video camera that is located at the end of the endoscope. While he is doing the procedure, the camera is streaming live video to a monitor that is next to him.

During the procedure, Dr. Batash reshapes your stomach so that it is smaller and then uses stitches to hold it in that smaller shape. He does this all from inside your stomach, which is why you will not have any visible scars.

Suture Sculpt results in your stomach capacity being about 25% of its original size. This is the same outcome as gastric sleeve surgery but without all the risks, discomfort, and extended recovery of a surgical procedure.

After Suture Sculpt, you will not be able to eat as much, and you will stay full longer between meals. You will be on a special diet for the first month to allow your stomach to grow accustomed to the alterations that have been made to its shape and size. Because of this, most patients experience a significant reduction in weight in the first month or so. Patients who continue to follow their new healthier habits will continue to lose weight.

Get The Most Out Of Your Weight Loss Program

We said it before, but it's true, so we will reiterate that losing weight is hard, but with determination and a willing spirit, you can achieve a healthy weight and maintain it.

Components that can make or break your weight loss success include the knowledge and expertise of the weight loss doctor you choose to partner with, but much of it depends on you and your level of commitment. If you do not do your part, you will not lose weight.

Weight loss happens when we burn more calories than we consume. This fact is simple, but the execution is where it gets a bit complicated.
Sometimes there are metabolic issues taking place in your body that cause calories to not be efficiently burned even though you are doing all the right things.

Sometimes, patients lack the knowledge that will help them make better food choices, or they do not know how to incorporate exercise into their daily lives. Sometimes our brains trick us into believing we are hungry or need larger portions on our plates.

The doctor and his team will help address and provide strategies for these areas to be applied in our daily lives that will help us maintain a healthy weight. The doctor can also provide the patient with weight loss tools such as the Suture Sculpt procedure that will help maximize the efforts they put forth.

Suture Sculpt will help you with controlling your portions and curbing your hunger. The experts at Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center will help provide nutritional guidance and education that will help support your goals.

As much as they would love to work miracles, there is no magic way to promote weight loss. If you follow the program and make the necessary lifestyle changes, you will lose weight and keep it off.

Dr. Batash will tell you that "you cannot starve yourself into thinness; eating healthy portions has to become a normal way of life for you."

He has also had patients who have decided to exercise for several hours a day who have come to him disappointed when they were not losing weight. Come to find out, they were in fact burning 1000 calories a day with exercise, but then, to celebrate what a great job they did with their exercise, they would eat 1500 calories as a reward. Even to maintain your current weight, there must be a balance of calories.

You can improve the results of a procedure like Suture Sculpt by doing your part, including:

  • Eating a healthy diet;
  • Getting daily exercise;
  • Getting an adequate amount of sleep;
  • Staying hydrated;
  • Managing your stress level;
  • Maintaining discipline and asking for support when you need it.

The Recipe For Sustainable Weight Loss With Suture Sculpt

Ingredients Needed


Combine all the ingredients listed above. Do not rush the process, as it may take time to yield the final results. Keep working with these elements, demonstrating discipline and patience.


Numerous benefits, including eliminating current health conditions and lowering your risk for others, improving your mobility, providing you more energy, boosting your self-esteem, and enhancing your overall quality of life.

If you are ready to lose weight and would like the help and support of an amazing team of caring experts, set up an appointment so we can get to know you better.

At Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center, our patients are like extended family, and we want to see you succeed. Contact us today; we would love to tell you more about the Suture Sculpt endosleeve procedure and how it can help you lose weight forever.



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