Today, there are more options than ever when it comes to getting help with weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery, or Roux-en-Y, is a type of bariatric surgery that has been around since the 1960s and is known for its ability to promote substantial weight loss. It is also known for some of its side effects and the length of time it takes to perform the surgery.
The mini gastric bypass has been around since the late 1990s and was created to shorten the amount of time the patient spent under anesthesia in surgery and mitigate some of the known side effects of the traditional gastric bypass. Today, we are going to talk about mini gastric bypass surgery and what this scaled-down version of Roux-en-Y involves.
What Is Involved In The Mini Bypass?
The patient is sedated with general anesthesia for the hour-and-a-half-long mini gastric bypass surgery. Four to five strategically placed small openings are made in the abdominal area and are used for the laparoscope and other necessary medical instruments. The laparoscope is normally inserted through one of the openings located near the navel and allows the surgeon to visualize everything they are doing during the procedure via a video screen. The other openings allow additional medical instruments to be inserted to complete the operation. The stomach is divided into two sections, with one being much smaller than the other. The surgeon uses special staples to keep these two sections divided, where the smaller one will be used for holding and digesting food (the new stomach), and the remaining excess stomach tissue is not removed but is no longer utilized.
Then, part of the small intestine is redirected, so some of it will no longer be used for digestion, and it is attached to the new, smaller stomach.
Mechanics Of The Mini Gastric Bypass
The mini gastric bypass helps promote weight loss in the same way as its predecessor by using a combination of malabsorption and restriction, but it is not as intense. Since the path of the small intestine is altered, the food completely skips a portion of it, giving the body less time to pull all the calories and nutrients out of it (malabsorption). Also, the newly formed stomach is now about a quarter of its original size so it will only allow the individual to eat a very small amount of food at one time. (restrictive). The smaller size of the stomach helps the individual feel full and satisfied for longer periods of time. The combination of a smaller stomach, shorter time in the digestive tract, and increased satiety helps prevent overeating and promotes weight loss.
Who Qualifies For Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Each bariatric surgeon may have their own list of specific criteria but the minimum requirements normally include:
- They must have a BMI of at least 40 or a BMI of 35, but they are also dealing with medical conditions that are related to their excess weight, such as diabetes type 2, hypertension, serious sleep apnea, etc;
- The patient must be in good enough health that the surgery will not put them at risk.
What Benefits Does A Mini Gastric Bypass Offer?
- Losing weight can eliminate or reduce physical health issues and metabolic diseases, often sending them into remission or allowing for reduced medications to manage them;
- This less-invasive surgery offers the same or better results than a traditional gastric bypass;
- The surgery is easier to reverse because the alterations are less severe;
- The surgery time is shorter, so the patient has less exposure to general anesthesia;
- Reduced chance of experiencing complications;
- Losing weight gives individuals more energy and mobility, allowing them to more easily participate in physical activities and elevating their self-esteem;
- When compared in trials to the full-blown traditional procedure, the mini gastric bypass was shown to offer a higher percentage of total pounds lost at the two-year mark.
What Weight Loss Potential Does A Mini Gastric Bypass Offer?
Patients who have a mini gastric bypass have the potential to lose the same amount of weight as those who undergo traditional Roux-en-Y surgery. Most patients lose about 75% of their extra weight over a two-year period with both versions of gastric bypass. Extra weight is defined as the number of pounds an individual is carrying that are above the weight that would be deemed “healthy” on the BMI chart.
Mini Gastric Bypass Risks
As with any type of surgical operation, there are risks associated with the mini gastric bypass; however, the risks are much lower than with the more invasive bariatric surgeries. Risks related to a mini gastric bypass include:
- Dumping syndrome;
- Ulcers;
- Widening of the esophagus;
- Infection;
- Blood Clots;
- Staple line leakage;
- Stomach obstruction;
- Malnutrition;
- Bleeding;
- Infection;
- Hair loss.
What Financial Investment Can I Expect With A Mini Gastric Bypass?
In the United States, the cost of a mini gastric bypass runs on average between $16,000 and $22,000, which is only slightly less than traditional gastric bypass surgery. It is also important to understand that this surgery is not typically included in medical insurance plans, so the patient would be financially responsible for all the costs involved.
Are There Non-Surgical Options That Offer Similar Results To The Mini Gastric Bypass?
While patients have the potential to lose as much as 75% of their excess weight after undergoing a mini gastric bypass, they will be subject to all the risks that come with surgery as well as a substantial recovery time. Additionally, they will have to make serious lifestyle modifications to keep from gaining the weight back. They may have to delay some changes that relate to getting more physical exercise while they are recovering from the surgery.
You may be surprised to learn that there is a procedure that can be done as an outpatient that can offer significant weight loss potential but does not involve surgery. There are no activity restrictions after this procedure, so you can get started incorporating those exercise-related lifestyle changes as soon as you want. And more good news; if you like to swim or do water aerobics, you are free to participate in those activities because you will not have any incisions restricting you for several weeks from water submersion.
Suture Sculpt Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) is a procedure that makes your stomach significantly smaller, so you are unable to eat too much at one time. Not only will your stomach get full faster, but the procedure also causes your digestive system to move slower, so you will feel full longer.
ESG involves shrinking the size of your stomach by using sutures that are strategically placed to hold your stomach in a much smaller configuration. These sutures are placed into your stomach using a specialized tool that is lowered down through your mouth and into your stomach. This is far less risky than surgery, and the weight loss potential is phenomenal.
How Much Weight Can You Lose With This Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure?
Here are some real-life examples of patient results before and after Suture Sculpt ESG from Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center.
This patient started her weight loss journey at 180 pounds and lost 62 pounds in only six months! This patient lost all of her excess weight and more!
Before her ESG procedure, this patient weighed 187 pounds, and six months later, she was down to 121 pounds. Over 100% of her excess weight was eliminated.
This patient weighed in at 256 before his Suture Sculpt ESG, and 16 months later, has lost 66 pounds and is down to 190! Again, his results exceed those of the average mini gastric bypass patient.
When you can get results that outweigh those of surgery and skip the whole six-week recovery time where you have a list of things you can’t do, why would you even consider a mini gastric bypass? Aside from the physical reasons to avoid surgery, there are also financial reasons. The average cost of the Suture Sculpt ESG procedure is between $9,000 and $11,000, which is half the cost of surgery.
Are You Serious About Losing Weight?
If you are ready to get the help you need to reach your ideal weight, set up an appointment today with one of the experts at Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center. We know what you are up against, and we understand the frustration and fatigue that come with repeated failed attempts at weight loss. Those days can be over for you if you are ready to let them go!
Get in touch with us today, and let's talk about your circumstances and your goals for weight loss and improved health. We will get to the bottom of what has been holding you back from reaching them and create a plan to overcome the challenges of the past. With the help of the Batash team of experts, before you know it, you will be able to join our collection of YouTube success stories too!