What Is A Gastric Bypass Revision?

Most of the individuals who have bypass surgery will eventually regain 30 percent of the weight they lost, and one out of every five of them will regain all of the weight they lost.

Sometimes, patients regain weight after undergoing bariatric surgery because they slip back into unhealthy habits. In other cases, the weight regain may have snuck up on them gradually due to anatomical changes they were unaware of. ReSculpt endoscopic gastric bypass surgery revision can reinstate the restrictive features of the original operation and get weight loss back on track.

Today, we'll talk in detail about the ReSculpt procedure process, how long it takes, the associated downtime, and how much weight most individuals lose after undergoing a revision of gastric bypass surgery.


How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Work For Weight Loss?

Gastric bypass surgery (Roux-en-Y) is a surgical intervention that aids obese individuals with weight loss through both restrictive and malabsorptive weight reduction techniques.

The restrictive technique works by reducing a person's stomach capacity, therefore restricting the amount of food they can eat during mealtime. Also, individuals feel "full" for a longer length of time because the food they eat takes longer to break down and be digested.

Gastric bypass surgery also involves a malabsorptive approach, which consists of modifying the digestive system so that the person's body is unable to metabolize or retain all of the calories ingested.

Why Would Someone Choose To Have A Revision To Gastric Bypass Surgery?

  • The patient experienced inadequate weight loss;
  • Following initial weight loss, the patient experienced a substantial weight gain;
  • Unforeseen Difficulties;
  • The modifications will halt weight gain and induce further weight loss.

Patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery have the potential to lose a substantial amount of weight. Eliminating extra weight and sustaining that weight loss is a never-ending process that requires a lifelong commitment to making healthy lifestyle choices.

Top 6 Reasons Weight Loss Plateaus or Weight Gain Occur

  1. A patient's metabolism may work against them when they try to lose weight. When an individual restricts their food intake in order to lose weight, their bodies go into survival mode and adapt by decreasing their rate of metabolism. This natural survival mechanism strives to conserve energy by burning fewer calories;
  2. The previous bariatric procedure may not have been the ideal fit for that patient;
  3. Patients might overeat just enough to enlarge their stomach pouch, which makes it gradually get bigger, requiring more food to make the individual feel full so they continue to eat more, which results in weight gain;
  4. It is plausible that anatomical modifications may occur that decrease the restrictive aspect of the original bariatric surgery and allow an increase in the amount of food that may be ingested. The most common occurrence is the enlargement of the junction between the small intestine and the stomach;
  5. When "life happens," patients frequently revert to weight-gaining habits and start making poor decisions that undermine their weight reduction attempts;
  6. Managing stress is crucial for preventing weight gain and fostering weight reduction. The hormone cortisol is produced by the body in response to stress, and it encourages the body to hang onto whatever extra fat it may have.

A revision to the gastric bypass can help individuals regain control of weight gain and get their weight loss journey back on track.

What Is The Weight Loss Potential After A ReSculpt Revision To Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Although larger weight loss numbers have frequently been reported, the typical weight loss following gastric bypass revisions is typically between 10 and 15 percent of the person's total body weight.

The ReSculpt revision for gastric bypass enables people to achieve their weight loss goals and sustain the loss by halting their weight gain and promoting future weight reduction.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Gastric Bypass Revision?

  • It does not involve incisions and is a far less invasive procedure;
  • When compared to the time required for corrective surgery, the duration of the endoscopic ReSculpt correction is considerably shorter;
  • Because it is an outpatient treatment, there is no need for the patient to spend any time in the hospital;
  • It is less likely that the patient will experience complications;
  • ReSculpt gastric bypass revision restores the potential for weight loss that the initial bariatric procedure had.


How Does Resculpt Gastric Bypass Revision Work?

ReSculpt gastric bypass revision or TORe (Transoral Outlet Reduction) is an outpatient procedure that does not involve incisions. It is an effective solution to address issues that may have occurred since the original gastric bypass was completed. This modification decreases the size of the stomach pouch and restores the original, smaller stoma from the gastric bypass procedure.

An existing gastric bypass procedure can be modified using the non-surgical method of endoscopic bariatric revision to address problems that are impeding weight reduction or encouraging weight gain. The patient doesn't require any incisions or hospitalization because the revision is carried out with the use of an endoscope.

An endoscope is a long, hollow, flexible tube that has a camera attached to the end of it. After the patient is sedated, the endoscope is placed into their mouth and down their throat until it reaches the inside of their stomach. The endoscope’s hollow design makes it possible for a specialized suturing instrument to gain access to the area of the stomach where the treatment is being performed. This special suturing device is then used to place sutures in a strategic manner that will both reduce the size of the stomach pouch and make the connection to the stomach (stoma) smaller.

After the Resculpt Revision, the useable stomach capacity is decreased back to its previous size or sometimes smaller, so it resumes it restrictive nature like just after the initial bypass.

What Can I Expect From Recovery After My Resculpt Revision of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

After your Resculpt revision to gastric bypass surgery, you will need transportation home because you will be groggy from the sedation and your body will need time to heal before you resume driving. Most surgeons recommend that their patients refrain from driving for around 5 days after the procedure.

The vast majority of patients are back to their normal routine within a week. Your surgeon will give you specific guidelines for when to resume work, especially if your job involves substantial physical activity or heavy lifting. Patients will be provided with specific instructions regarding the diet they must follow for the first few weeks. These instructions may be similar to the ones you were given shortly after the original gastric bypass surgery.

ReSculpt Revision Of Gastric Bypass Surgery Can Get Your Weight Loss Journey Back On Track

Even though bariatric surgery has a very high success rate, there are still some patients who end up gaining weight or reach a point where their weight loss stops progressing. ReSculpt gastric bypass revision is a solution that can be used in cases where a patient's earlier intervention for weight loss is no longer effective. Ask your ReSculpt endoscopic expert to tell you about some of the success stories they have had with patients who have had a gastric bypass revision or ask them to show you some before and after pictures of people who have had a ReSculpt gastric bypass revision.

Contact Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center Today To Find Out How ReSculpt Revision To Gastric Bypass Surgery Can Help You

We understand that it can be disheartening to find that you have regained a significant amount of the weight you had lost as a result of bariatric surgery. You are not alone in your experience with weight regain, and we can help you! We have supported others who were in the same situation and successfully halted their weight gain so they could continue their weight loss journey.

Get in touch with the Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center right away to prevent the issue from becoming worse. One of our highly trained specialists is available to work with you to devise a strategy that will help you get your weight loss back on track.

Make your appointment today by giving us a call at (718) 830-0004 or setting it up online.



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