How Does ORBERA for Weight Loss Work?

You’ve tried to go solo to take control of your weight. It hasn’t worked. You’re overweight and you’re tired of it. You feel like your body doesn’t even belong to you anymore. There is no need to be discouraged! The ORBERA weight loss balloon could be the solution you need to kick start effective weight loss. It can help you to shed those pounds that have been clinging to your body for too long. With help from this non-surgical solution, you can finally set yourself free from the burden of unwanted pounds.

How Does the ORBERA Balloon Work?

The ORBERA balloon is a weight loss option that will help you to feel full, cut back on what you eat, and start losing weight quickly. The best part about this exciting alternative is you are not going to need surgery. You won’t be altering your stomach in a permanent way that comes with many risks. You won’t need to have surgical openings to insert a gastric band. You’ll have similar results from weight loss surgery without the surgery. That means you don’t have to go through healing and downtime. If you are a good candidate for the ORBERA balloon, the balloon will be inserted through a catheter into your stomach. Your doctor will inflate the balloon by using saline until it is about the same size as a grapefruit. This will make your stomach seem smaller. You won’t have as much room for food. You won’t feel as hungry as you did before. As you become accustomed to eating less and recognizing times when you are full, the weight will come off. Think of the balloon as your trainer, teaching you a healthy lifestyle you can continue to follow long after the balloon has been removed.


What Can You Expect with ORBERA?

The ORBERA balloon will remain in your stomach for six months. During that time, you will have a diet designed specifically for you. You will also learn the importance of eating smaller portions. In the beginning, you will be advised to only take liquids. You’ll move on to soft foods. Within weeks after you have your balloon inserted in your stomach, you will move on to solid foods. Your doctor will check in with you often to make sure you are on the right track to safe weight loss. Include exercise for the best results. Watch the weight come off quickly. Your results will depend on your situation. You could lose between 20 and 50 pounds while the ORBERA balloon is in place. When it comes out, continue on the path to healthy living. You can get to the number on the scale you have always wanted.

Find Out if ORBERA is the Weight Loss Solution for You

It’s time to start your journey to successful weight loss now. To learn more about the ORBERA weight loss balloon, we warmly invite you to reach out and make an appointment with Batash Medical. At our convenient location in Rego Park, NY, our caring and devoted team of professionals will be pleased to explain this option to you in full and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!



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