I am not significantly overweight, but I do have excess belly fat. If that sounds familiar to you, no worries; you are not alone. Many people struggle with excess fat deposits on their abdomen and want to lose belly fat only.
Today we are going to talk about some of the things that contribute to this condition, how you can eliminate this stubborn fat from your belly, and the abdominal obesity treatments available today that do not require surgery.
What Are The Different Types Of Belly Fat?
Belly fat can be divided into two categories: the type that sits right under the skin (subcutaneous fat) and the type that surrounds your internal organs (visceral fat). The subcutaneous fat on your belly can be easily identified and felt when you squeeze your skin, but visceral fat cannot be measured easily because it is located deep inside your abdomen.
The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that men with a waist larger than 40 inches and women whose waistline is 35 inches or more have a high volume of visceral fat. Individuals with higher levels of visceral fat are more likely to develop metabolic diseases such as diabetes type 2, hypertension, and more. Losing excess belly fat will not only reduce the risks of developing long-term health issues but will also improve your appearance.
In order to get rid of belly fat only, you will need to figure out what contributed to the development of a big “beer” belly and then make lifestyle changes and take the steps necessary to resolve this problem. There are subtle strategy differences needed to lose belly fat only vs. losing weight from your entire body.
How Did You Gain Belly Fat?
To precisely answer the question of how you can lose only stomach fat, it is important to understand how you gained it in the first place. There are a variety of reasons why you might have developed belly fat, but you can be certain that it did not happen overnight; it is accumulated day by day over a period of time.
For over 30 years, medical weight loss specialist Dr. Steven Batash has helped hundreds of patients lose only belly fat. To start your weight loss journey in the right way, he suggests that you reflect on your lifestyle and consider the following 6 questions.
1. What Do Your Meals Look Like?
This sounds very obvious, but what and how often you eat throughout the day is the most important question, because one of the most common causes of gaining belly fat is consuming far too many calories than you burn in a day. If you constantly consume more calories than your body needs and eat an excess of unhealthy, fatty, and sugary foods, this can contribute to excess abdominal fat.
2. How Often Do You Drink Alcohol?
Many people who drink alcohol might not realize it, but alcohol has almost the same amount of calories as soda or other high-sugar beverages. For example, individuals who drink a lot of beer should know that 12 ounces of regular beer contains about 150 calories. It is easy to consume too many calories when drinking alcohol, especially since it is often accompanied by eating high-fat, high-calorie snacks. When you drink too much alcohol, your liver becomes overburdened with filtering it and may have trouble processing other nutrients, which eventually get stored as fat. To avoid developing a larger beer belly, it is wise to cut back on alcohol consumption.
3. Struggling With Stress Or Other Mental Health Issues?
Psychological issues can have a large impact on your body and health. The stress of everyday life and traumas from the past can affect your relationship with food and lead to chronic overeating. Many people engage in emotional eating, meaning they turn to food for comfort, even when they are not hungry.
4. To What Extent Does Your Job Involve Physical Movement?
Does your job require you to sit all day at the computer? Out of the 24 hours you have in a day, how many hours do you spend moving physically? A lack of physical activity is another key reason why people are unable to maintain a healthy weight. If you have an office job that requires minimum physical activity and you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle, then you should make a conscious effort to change this behavior and introduce more physical exercise into your daily routine to keep yourself fit.
Staying physically active is not only about losing extra weight but also about keeping yourself healthy and happy. There are many health benefits associated with exercise, and even light activity is better than doing nothing. If you are not ready or able to participate in intense workouts, you can start with something simple like a 30-minute walk each day. It’s a great way to begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle.
5. How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You Get Each Day?
Getting the right amount of quality sleep is very important for your health. It affects how you feel throughout the day and can influence your eating habits. In fact, studies show that individuals who do not get at least 5 hours of sleep each night tend to eat at least 350 more calories and more junk food than those who get a good night's sleep
6. Do You Smoke?
Some habits might make you more prone to gaining visceral fat, specifically on your belly. According to a study, smokers tend to gain more visceral fat in their belly region while being slimmer in most other areas compared to nonsmokers.
Where Can I Go For Help To Lose Excess Belly Fat?
We have talked about some of the common things that can cause a beer belly to develop and also provided some tips on how to get rid of excess belly fat, but sometimes these are not enough. In many cases, there are underlying issues that are affecting your ability to lose belly fat, such as genetics, certain health conditions, metabolic diseases, or more.
The experts at Batash Endoscopic Weight Loss Center can help identify issues that have contributed to your excess belly fat and those that are holding back your weight loss progress. They can create a customized plan that will help you get your health back on track that is tailored to fit your circumstances and needs. A gastric balloon or the Suture Sculpt endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty may be the perfect medical intervention that can help you get rid of excess belly fat.
Set up your consultation today to learn more about the many different non-surgical abdominal obesity treatments we offer and how one might benefit you.
The Gastric Balloon Makes Your Beer Belly Vanish
The gastric balloon is a great way to lose belly fat only. Gastric balloons have helped many of our patients minimize their belly fat and lose about 15% of overall weight just in a year. The procedure is done endoscopically through the mouth which means that no incisions are made to your body. Since the balloon takes up a large space in the stomach, you will have very little room for food and consume fewer calories.
Our team of medical experts led by Dr. Batash will guide the patient before, during, and after the procedure on what to eat, how to exercise, and how to cope in difficult times providing support from all sides. The balloon will be removed in about 6 months but our support will be with you for up to 12 months so that you can achieve your goals in a sustainable and natural way.
Suture Sculpt ESG For Losing Belly Fat Only
If you want even higher results, then you can opt for ESG or Suture Sculpt. The average result of many of our patients is a loss of 50% of the excess weight a year post-procedure. This is the procedure that will reduce your stomach by about 70% without surgery. The doctor will get into your stomach through your mouth and then fold and stitch a part of your stomach. This endobariatric technique will help you feel full faster and set a comfortable condition for you to start developing a healthy relationship with food. Our team will be there for you every day of your journey to encourage you and show you the best way to continue further until you get to your goal.
How To Lose Only Belly Fat Without Losing Weight
If you love your body but are unhappy with excess belly fat, we can help you target that area specifically while maintaining the natural contours of the rest of your body. An integrated team of medical professionals will closely examine your case and build a weight loss program specifically for you that will melt down your belly fat. Dr. Steven Batash is a wonderful doctor with a delightful sense of humor who will make your weight loss journey super joyful. Our mission is to help you be healthy, happy, and beautiful.